Tuesday, April 10, 2018

ReactJS application with Redux

In my last post, I explained how to create a basic ReactJS application. In this post, I will explain how to integrate Redux with our application.
First, we need to install required npm packages.
Next, we will add a folder called reducers and inside that, we will create CourseReducer.js and StudentReducer.js files.
A reducer function needs two arguments state and action.
However, we need to initialize reducer function with our default state. Therefore, we need to modify our code in StudentReducer.js file.
Usually, redux application design is to have a single store. Thus, we will create store.js file inside store folder.
Next, we need to change index.js file like below.
After that, we need to modify CourseList.jsx file like below. connect is the function which integrates state management into React application.
We can further modify CourseList.jsx file like below.
Now, the StudentList.jsx file should look like below.
Use npm start command to run the application.
You can find the source code in my GitHub repo.

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